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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

6-Year-Old twin brother and sister gets married In Buddhist Ceremony In Thailand

A pair of six-year-old twins have been married in a lavish ceremony because their parents believe they were lovers in a past life. 

The young boy, nicknamed Guitar, and his sister, Kiwi, were born in September 2012 and their parents immediately knew they would have to be wedded.

Buddhists believe that male and female twins have 'karma' from relationships in a previous life and have been re-born together, because the debt has not been settled.

The twin's father Amornsan Sunthorn Malirat (right), 31, and mother, Phacharaporn (left), 30, arranged a lavish ceremony costing the equivalent of thousands of pounds for their children

The young boy had to pay a dowry of 200,000 baht in cash and gold worth the equivalent of £1,000 before marrying his twin sister

Buddhists believe that male and female twins (such as those pictured) have 'karma' from relationships in a previous life and have been re-born together

Despite them being 'married' according to local customs, the ceremony is not legally binding and each of them will still be able to seek out their own partners when they are older

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