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Friday, January 25, 2019


Monetizing your app is one of your aims as a programmer. In this post we would tell you the various methods of monetizing your android app. As a programmer or app owner, you can make a living off your work, be it on android, IOS, Ubuntu, etc.
Here is a tip for you, though, while trying to monetize your app, prioritize the users of your app and not the ads. Try not to bug your users with ads which makes most users uninstall the app(s). 



In order to use Admob, you need to create a google account and get it verified just like an Adsense. Insert the ID generated in your app to enable google ads. As and app developer linking Admob to your app won’t be a problem but for users that don’t know how to develop app or have coding knowledge on how to develop apps can use the following methods to monetize their apps. There are so many instant app developing site online, some of which we will discussed below 

Appsgeyser is a powerful online tool which help people with no or limited programming knowledge create their application. Though you can create a free application, Appsgeyser prevents monetizing of such apps. Apps can be monetized and published on playstore if a onetime payment is made.

Website 2 APK Builder Pro Plus v3.3


This tool helps create your android apps. It is an offline tool which is compatible with Windows OS. This tool comes handy for people with zero coding knowledge. 
Apps developed with website2apk can be modified to access Admob services which enables the display of ads in your app.

What are you waiting for? Kick start your design, create your app and make some cool cash.

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